Pazartesi, Mart 16

Really bruised inside?

Prior: Don't see any bruises.
Louis: Inside.
Prior: You're one noble guy, 'inside'. Don't flatter yourself. So it's your tea party, talk.
Louis: You don't have to be so hostile. Don't I get any points for trying to arrive at a resolution. Maybe what I did wasn't forgivable but..."
Prior: It isn't.

Louis: But...........................

Prior: FUCK you I'm a prophet. Reasonable!! limits?!?! Tell it to my lungs, stupid. Tell it to my lesions. Tell it to the cotton woolly patches in my eyes. I'm going, I have limits too.

Prior: I got you. Why? What's wrong with me? Are you really bruised inside?

Louis: I can't have this talk anymore.
Prior: Oh the list of things you can't do. So fragile! Answer me: Inside: Bruises?
Louis: Yes.
Prior: Come back to me when they're visible. I want to see black and blue, Louis, I want to see blood. Because I can't believe you even have blood in your veins till you show it to me. So don't come near me again, unless you've got something to show.

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